
Filing a Mesothelioma Asbestos Lawsuit

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There's a lot of money to be made these days by filing a mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit if you have a legitimate claim against an employer. This disease is serious, and even if it's been decades since you worked in a profession where you were exposed to asbestos, the disease could well have been lying dormant for all these years. Your present or ex-employer can be held liable for your health problems no matter how long ago you were exposed.
If the employer failed to advise workers about the health hazards they were facing, they can be held accountable on the basis of malice, fraud, and oppression. Employees who have filed a Mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit against a company found negligent are receiving millions of dollars in damages.
Take this case for example. A man who was 82-years-old filed a claim against an employer who he had worked for as a machinist clear back in the 1940s. His lawyer proved that although the company had been well-aware of the dangerous environment it was placing workers in, it hadn't shared the information with their employees. As a result of this Mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit, the jury found that the company had conspired against its employees and committed criminal acts causing the man to become ill at a much later date. He was given a $10 million settlement as compensation in this lawsuit.
As far back as the 1920s companies had information telling them how dangerous it was for their employees to work around asbestos. By the 1940s they were being told to quit using asbestos in their manufacturing processes. They didn't listen, though, because it would have meant lower profits for the company. Instead, they made the decision to ignore the findings and allow their employees to continue working in unsafe conditions. This practice continued until the mid 1970s. As a result, thousands of workers inhaled asbestos fibers which could cause this devastating form of lung cancer. Now the only recourse open to this victims of negligence who find their lives destroyed by the disease is to file a Mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit.
If you are facing the same problems being endured by hundreds of workers who were exposed to asbestos prior to the mid 1970s, then it's time for you to do something about it. If it can be proven that your employer was negligent in advising you of your rights and taking the proper safety measures to protect your health, you are entitled to file a Mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit against them demanding compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and suffering. In addition, most of these cases are awarded punitive damages that are meant to punish companies for their wrongdoing. These damages also serve as messages to corporate America that our society refuses to tolerate the practice of malice, fraud, and oppression against employees.
The first Mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit was filed in 1966, and since that time hundreds of similar cases have been decided in favor of the victims that resulted in millions of dollars in cash settlements. Unfortunately, the political climate has also been changing since that time, and now many of the country's political leaders, the ones who make the laws, are company executives who are supporting corporate interests instead of the rights of the people. This may not bode well for the future of Mesothelioma cases; however, there is still a lot of history and past practice that will stand your attorney in good stead when you file a Mesothelioma asbestos lawsuit.

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