If mesothelioma has entered your life either as a disease you're contending with or as a killer in the life of a family member, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit. Since the victims in mesothelioma cases aren't to blame for what happened to them, you can either file a personal injury claim if you are the victim or a wrongful death suit in behalf of another person. The rights in these different kinds of lawsuits will vary depending on the county and state where they are filed. However, getting a lawyer who specializes in mesothelioma cancer lawsuits will definitely be in your best interests with either kind of suit.
Mesothelioma is a life-threatening lung cancer that is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos. A lawsuit can also be filed by a person who has developed the condition through association with a person working in an asbestos-related environment. Even if you aren't sure where you got the disease, the lawyer you hire will be able to have private investigators research your history to locate the job in which you were exposed. If you already know where you worked that exposed you to these harmful carcinogens, then your lawsuit will be able to proceed much more quickly than if time needs to be spent investigating first.
It's important that you file your claim in a timely manner after being diagnosed. In most states the time limit will range from 1 to 2 years following diagnosis. However, make sure you know the time limits in the state where you'll be filing your lawsuit, because if you don't act within those limits, you may be unable to ever file a claim. In the case of a wrongful death lawsuit, the time limits will still apply, so make sure that you act quickly while there's still time to pursue the restitution you are entitled to.
Don't hesitate to file mesothelioma lawsuits because you're afraid of what an expert lawyer is going to cost you. These people are well aware of the lost wages and medical bills you're already facing, and so they work on a no win, no fee basis. By so doing they guarantee that they will win your case and get adequate restitution for you or else the work they put in will be given free of charge.
Once you've discussed your claim with your lawyer, he'll be able to give you a better idea of how much in damages you can hope to win. A lot will depend on how good of a case he can put together against your employer and on the severity of the cancer. You'll be interested to know, though, that in the past there have been mesothelioma cancer lawsuits that have netted thousands of dollars in payments and even as much as several million dollars in some instances. Therefore, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by pursuing your legal rights if you're suffering from mesothelioma.
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