Are you one of the unfortunate workers who were exposed to asbestos in the workplace and have now been diagnosed with mesothelioma? If you are, you need to know your rights and consult with a mesothelioma cancer lawyer who can get you the restitution you both need and deserve. Mesothelioma is a devastating form of lung cancer caused by exposure to asbestos,
and it has the power to destroy the lives of the patient and other family members. If you're being faced with medical bills, emotional issues, and burning anger at a company that allowed this to happen to you, you aren't alone. This has happened to hundreds of workers, and many are taking steps to seek the financial support they are entitled to.Lawyers that specialize in mesothelioma cases are well-versed in all of the legal, emotional, and medical issues that you are facing, and they know how to get you the care and support you and your family are going to need. In addition, they will be able to provide you with the experienced legal counsel necessary to sort through the facts that are unique to your claim and get you the restitution that you deserve. It can be difficult to find an attorney who has the mesothelioma litigation experience to be able to help you; however, by doing some research and talking with others who have been through similar situations, you can find just the right person.
You are not to blame for what has happened to you. You couldn't possibly have known that the environment you worked in was going to make you sick. Even if you were aware that there were asbestos particles in the air, you most likely didn't know that they were hazardous. After all, we're all exposed to particulates in the air everywhere we go, and the majority of them do no damage. However, the company you worked for was aware of the risk to employees, and a mesothelioma cancer lawyer will tell you so.
Companies using asbestos in their manufacturing processes have been aware of the devastating effects exposure could have on the health of their employees since as early as the 1920s. By the '30s and '40s, medical links between asbestos and cancer had been scientifically established, and companies were repeatedly warned that they should eliminate asbestos from their manufacturing processes in favor of the safer materials that were available.
It's hard to believe in a country that prides itself on the value it places on human life, but executives in these companies made the decision to keep using asbestos, because it meant bigger profits and more money in their pockets. The health of their employees took a back seat to their greed, a fact that the courts now look upon as totally unethical. They also withheld the information they had concerning the asbestos-cancer link from their employees who continued innocently working in dangerous environments. Therefore, the bad decisions made by these heartless employers are being blamed for the suffering of their employees who contracted mesothelioma. Things could have been much different if they had only acted responsibly.
It's no wonder that the American legal system is throwing the book at companies that were guilty of these downright criminal acts. Therefore, in order to go after your share of the restitution that is now legally available, you'll need to find an experienced mesothelioma cancer lawyer. He'll be able to prove your claim and get you financial assistance to make up for lost wages, medical bills that your insurance didn't pay for, funeral expenses, and emotional support for family members. Obviously he won't be able to restore you to health, because only doctors can do that, but he'll be able to provide you with the financial security your family is going to need.
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good article
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